What can Noynoy achieve if he wins the elections in 2010? People will swear that he could do a lot but I am tired of seeing a politician who can't decide for the nation. The presidency is the highest position in the land but we treat it like it's just a supervisory position that submits itself to various heads of other departments.
The president of the Philippines, once elected, will be given one six-year term. The president's job is to make a decision that will be good for the country in the long run. He should listen on both sides and should be wise enough to provide the answers needed by his constituents. In those number of years he will sit down as the leader of the country, he will face numerous challenges left and right. He will be swift, he must be fast, wise, and decisive. He should - above all - be God-fearing so that in making decisions he will not please anyone but the one who created him. He will represent the country and provide the kind of leadership that will inspire even the strongest of citizens in his land. He will have to endure 2,190 days of work that will give hope to those who feel they have nothing to contribute in this world. This president will not give in to one-sided arguments and will resist connections in favor of the smallest individual living in the country. This president should be a visionary who can see 3,000 or more days ahead of him. This president should not look favorably on businesses that will only be after its own merits.
Who is this president? Is this Noynoy?
Did you notice the number of politicians that started aligning themselves with Noynoy? Can he thwart these kinds of politicians if he wins the elections? Can he tell them go back where you came from and prove yourselves worthy of being a servant leader?
What has Noynoy accomplished during his term as senator? If you look at this resume, there's not a single piece of legislation that says he was able to accomplish. What will he do when he sits down as president? Will he let his stalwarts in the Liberal Party run the country? Get decisions from various advisers from his party and other coalition he will form?
I respect Corazon Aquino and the freedom and honesty she espoused but to let him rein in the decision-making of the country seems like an unwise choice.
What is his platform of governance? His website does not even say what he plans to do when he becomes president. It's so poor that his ABOUT NOYNOY mirrors what was published in the senate page. His website is full of "join this" and "join that" and asking for volunteers.
His campaign is forgetting that those who are joining his bandwagon is also asking what he can impart. Yes, we want to change GMA's government now but to change this administration with another administration that will be run by different characters (Kris Aquino - heaven forbids!) then how is Noynoy different from the late Tita Cory? She sat as a titular figure that changed our country from bad to good but she didn't really rule. Somebody else did. She was abused and I do not like another term of six years where it will just be status quo.
The presidency is not the place to mature as leaders. The presidency is a place for mature leaders.
Why not Noynoy? Why not?
Acknowledgement: Thanks to beed2halalan2010 for Noynoy's picture.